As young women, many of us are still working through negative thoughts about our bodies, misunderstandings about God and His will, and have dewy-eyed expectations for our lives.
We’re not prepared for loss and when it comes, even many years later, we’re left reeling.
Several years ago, miscarriage and breast cancer were my twin losses—physical parts of me taken against my will, one right after the other, that left me hollow and disfigured.
Then menopause, the surprise triplet, slammed shut the door on my hope of having more children.
Miscarriage left me grieving for a life unseen.
Cancer brought the fear of death up close and an ugly scar in its stead.
And the finality of menopause left me sorrowful for what could no longer be.
Oh, the pain of loss!—it weighs down the heart of a woman like no other. . .
I’m honored to be a guest writer for Crystal Twadell’s Made for Brave Sisterhood series. Please head over to her site to continue reading how our losses showcase God’s glory here. Our losses in this life are hard. But when we give them to God, we showcase His glory through our trust in His goodness.
Abiding in the Vine,
~ Gleniece
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I am so sorry for your losses… I had no idea! I’m heading over to Crystal’s site now… I couldn’t get the link to work but I’m sure I can find her by the name!
Good morning, Joan. Thank you for your sweet concern! You are a friend, in deed.
I’m sorry the link was not working. I double checked it just now and it worked for me. Hmm. Technology is so fickle, isn’t it?
Hugs to you.