Ensue-Eschew: KJV Bible Word Study Series

Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it. (1 Peter 3:11) The main meaning of ensue—which you've probably already guessed—is pursue, meaning to follow after, but both ensue and pursue come from the Greek word diō meaning to flee. The most interesting thing about ensue is ...

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Wist-Wit-Wot: KJV Bible Word Study Series

You wist not what these words found in the KJV Bible mean, but I wot that these obscure words will make sense to you to wit after this study. Um, what did I just say? Basically, you might not know what wist, wit, and wot mean, but I know once you replace these obscure words with modern ones, you ...

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Strive: KJV Bible Word Study Series

As we sit in the quiet or chaos of our days to study our King James Version Bibles, we might come across seeming contradictions in the words that are used. In one place we are told not to strive, and in another, we are told we should. So, which is it? To strive or not to strive, that is the ...

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Malachi: Hearts Unto Wisdom Bible Study

Did you know your name is written in God’s book?   Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name. (Malachi 3:16)   How ...

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Zechariah: Hearts Unto Wisdom Bible Study

Imagine a long, ornately carved table laden with delicacies; this is the book of Zechariah. You feast on each chapter and just when you think you’re full, you find more tasty tidbits to sample. This book is the longest of the twelve minor prophets and full of intriguing imagery, straightforward ...

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