Why are we told multiple times in the Bible to fear God? What is the fear of God? As women of God, are we literally supposed to be afraid of God, or is the fear of God merely showing Him reverence? Welcome to my study on fear, the fear of God, and what it means for us. Fear We experience ...
Dethroning the Fantasy Marriage: Christian Wife 101
Welcome to Christian Wife 101 This series is meant for all wives, newly married and decades married, living the oft-times difficult journey of marriage who want to rediscover the blueprint for joy and peace that God made possible and laid out in His Word. I'm in no way an expert on godly ...
Haggai: Hearts Unto Wisdom Bible Study
In the book of Haggai, God bids us do three things: consider our ways do the work He’s put before us and be strong—do not fear In fact, the phrase “consider your ways,” or simply “consider,” is written five times in this short two chapter book making it an important keyword we need to ...
Micah: Hearts Unto Wisdom Bible Study
How many of us expect to be blessed as Christians but don’t pursue Christ? We have the Christian catchphrases down; we have the look—the Bible on our end table, the Jesus bumper stickers, and the obligatory Sunday service seat in church. But inside we are unchanged. Jesus’s name is on our ...
Jonah: Hearts Unto Wisdom Bible Study
Christian storybooks regale us with the colorful tale of Jonah and the Big Fish. Even secular children’s book publishers find it vastly entertaining (and lucrative). But if we look deeper into this familiar book of the Bible, we will discover a magnificent parallel of God’s love and redemption to ...