What a Year of Drought Can Teach a Thirsty Wife

Each year that we are graced with life, there will be both good days and bad.

But have you ever had one of those years, dear wife, when nothing good seemed to happen and you couldn’t wait for it to end?

It might not be real tragedies you were facing, just the soul-dragging hardships and one-after-the-other disappointments that plague us all.

Our year was 2013. We’ve had worse years, but this one left an impression that has stayed with me.


Our Year of Drought


Mighty Man’s work had dried up. With little income, even thrift store prices were too steep.

If something broke (and what doesn’t, nowadays) there was no likelihood of its replacement. Home-improvement plans were once again out of our reach.


Each day our needs piled higher than my ever-growing laundry mounds.


My truck sat with four rotting tires and no insurance. Any hope of activities away from home were nil.

Even my garden, a tiny spot I’d carved out of my junkyard surroundings, could not make me smile. My tomatoes failed, worms stunted my rosemary and sage, and the flowers I yearned for to brighten my day withered before they bloomed.

That summer, Paper wasps invaded our life and killed our dog.

Their nest locations remained a mystery, but every day thousands flowed back and forth, like an angry river, through our back patio. My son and I were both attacked twice, and Mighty Man seven times.

And before the year was up, a family friend of more than twenty years betrayed us.


We were desiccated emotionally, physically, and financially.


But as the year finally came to a close, I realized something astounding:

A tiny plant surrounded by sand dunes: persevering despite obstacles

 Our year of drought was actually a blessing.


  • Not having what you need pushes you to reevaluate what is truly needed.
  • Expectations are taken apart and closely examined.
  • Long-held beliefs of How Things Should Be give way to God-breathed solutions.

I could have easily griped and complained (something I did most readily in past years).

I could have subtly blamed my husband for our stressful circumstances (another thing I did most readily).

But that would have allowed the Enemy yet another victory in my life.

Instead, I chose to fully trust that God had a reason for what we were going through.

I grasped my husband’s outstretched hand and we banded together—husband and wife—against these attacks.

We chose to view these difficulties as areas to grow spiritually, areas to conquer our frustrations, expectations, and wantonness.

Satan, like the river of wasps on our porch, tried to attack our faith with repeated disappointments and our patience with constant annoyance.

He tried to unseat our joy with the sting of want. But he failed.


Christ drowned the adversary of our souls with His living water.


But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. (John 4:14)


Our physical hopes were as dry as the desert floor, but because we drew from the well of this Living Water, there was a spiritual cascade of thankfulness, patience, peace, and joy.

As a wife, it is especially difficult when your good days are few and the downright awful days turn into weeks or even months.

But what is even more difficult, is trying to manage these dry spells without the closeness of your spouse and the drenching of God’s Spirit.


Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.

For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.

Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone?

And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:9–12)


God has given us wives the perfect companion to help in the droughts of life we face—our husbands.

And when the Spirit of God intertwines a husband and wife with His grace, faith, power, and strength, this braided, three-strand cord can withstand anything.


As wives, some years are especially hard. But when we trust God and love our husbands in spite of our trails, we gain spiritual growth and contentment. #overcoming, #trials, #godlymarriage, #christianwife, #contentment


Each year you will face trials, dear wife.

It may be as simple as dead flowers, or more harrowing as wasp attacks, broken trucks, and betrayals.

But as you hand over every frustration to God, grip your husband’s hand tightly and seek God’s will through it all.

And the peace of God that passes all understanding will refresh your dry places with everything you need.


Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6–7)



Abiding in the Vine,

~ Gleniece 


The post “What a Year of Drought Can Teach a Thirsty Wife” was first published on Desert Rain.

To stay up to date on all Desert Rain content, consider signing up for my Abide & Blossom newsletter for the weary Christian woman. Thank you!

Update 2017: This is another doozy of a year for Paper wasps. My husband has already gotten stung five times, and me once. And don’t get me started on the ants!

Update 2018: Thankfully the wasps have not been a problem this year, but oh, those pesky ants have taken over my kitchen. Arghh!

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About Gleniece

Writer at Desert Rain. Editor at Desert Rain Editing.
Happy wife, morning tea and Bible study, evening wine and chocolate lover. Ever thankful for the gift that is Christ.


  1. Brenda says

    Gracious, Gleniece. ((Hug)) And what a sweet testament to the Spirit of God and His presence, provision and protection. I hope more work has come your way this year, will keep y’all in prayer. — Our 25th anniversary is coming up in a few months and it has me thinking a lot about the blessing of marriage, of doing life together with your best friend. — Thanks for sharing, Gleniece. Sweet to see you. ((hug))

    • Gleniece says

      Good to see you here, Brenda! Thank you for your concern and prayers. My husband’s work comes and goes. That’s just the nature of construction. But things are a wee bit better this year. Except for the wasps. They are as prolific and pesky (and painful!) as ever.
      Congratulations on your upcoming 25th anniversary, my friend! I hope God continues blessing the two of you with strength, love, and grace.
      Have a beautiful day.

  2. ruthvdb5 says

    We so often think that the circumstances of our lives reveal our faith in God…(If I trust God He will bless me) but, as you have demonstrated, it is our RESPONSE TO God IN the circumstances of our lives that reveals so much about our faith in Him. It is a wonderful thing to be able to look back and see faith muscles being strengthened in these “years of drought” and to face the next one with even stronger faith as a result. Thanks for sharing!

    • Gleniece says

      Hi Ruth. Yes, to everything you said! When I was younger, I used to think that if things were going well for me, then God loved me. How silly is that! But as I matured, I realized that my circumstances have more to do with faith building and trust than with God’s favor. (If my circumstances are difficult, He gives me more strength and power to manage them. His love is always there.)
      Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely day. ?

  3. Amanda says

    What an encouraging post. The way you shared your heart through your own testimony during a year of challenging trials definitely impacted my heart. And also, I love the name of your blog. 🙂

    • Gleniece says

      Hello, Amanda. Thank you for your thoughtful comment!
      Desert rain is a physical hope we have here, living in this dry, difficult place. (I so look forward to the cooling, joyous rains in summer). That’s what inspired the name.
      Christ, the Living Water, is our spiritual hope, while living in this desperate world.
      Thanks for stopping by. I truly appreciate it. 😀

  4. bloggerlovestheking says

    Glenice what a powerful testimony that God has given you from your drought. He has certainly done that for me and yes some years are worse. I cannot imagine the heat you are living through right now and I’m praying that breeze for you this morning. It’s has definitely been breezy here. My husband has no air at his shop. He builds engines so he’s been loving this breeze. Blessings to you.

    • Gleniece says

      Thank you, Debbie! How sweet of you to pray for me.?
      Yes, the breeze is a Godsend. We appreciate the simplest things as a loving gift from God when we practice thankfulness.
      Thanks again for stopping by. Praying for loving breeze for you too.

  5. traceyatwaterintowine says

    Beautiful post Gleniece – wow that puts so much into perspective. Such truth. We have experienced some of this – not physical drought or wasp attacks!!!! but the financial drought you mention and the one thing after another that comes against. But there is God who makes a way. Your words just so hit the spot of what it comes down to. “Long held beliefs of how things should be give way to God breathed solutions” Yes. Beautiful words, beautiful scriptures and great encouragement to me today Gleniece. Thank you.

    • Gleniece says

      I’m so glad you were encouraged, my friend. Isn’t God wonderful! Not only does He give us life and purpose through the hills and valleys of our temporary sojourning here, but He gives us kindred spirits who understand our pain and ease our hearts.
      Thank you for stopping by here, Tracey. This made my day. ?

  6. Natalie @ Milk & Honey Faith says

    Hello Gleniece,
    I’m so glad I found your blog. I’m going to follow along to keep up with you because I just love the way you write. I can relate to this post in so many ways. I myself feel like I’m in a bit of a drought but I know the Lord is allowing it so that I may fully rely on Him. Thankfully, I feel like the rain is coming and this drought will soon end.

    • Gleniece says

      Oh, Natalie, I’m thrilled that this post resonated with you. And thank you for the compliment on my writing! (Believe me, it doesn’t come easy).
      I continually thank God for the ability to connect with my fellow sisters in Christ, like yourself.
      Yes, our droughts can be frustrating and painful, (and last a really long time), but they can also serve an important service of drawing us closer to our God who knows what we need when we need it.
      Glad to hear the rain is on the horizon for you, dear Natalie. 😆

  7. bcb0 says

    What a beautiful testimony, Gleniece.
    Praise the Lord for the wisdom that comes through trial.
    Beautifully written, thank you for sharing. ((hug))

    • Gleniece says

      You’re welcome, Brenda. So glad you stopped by today. I’ve been thinking about you lately. I hope all is well.
      I’m thankful that God has given each of us friends to share the burdens of life. ?

  8. Crystal Twaddell says

    LONG HELD BELIEFS OF HOW THINGS SHOULD BE GIVE WAY TO GOD-BREATHED SOLUTIONS…Gleniece, this is profoundly impactful, and timely, especially when the trials are relentless in the shaping and molding of our faith. Such great wisdom and encouragement. I needed to be here today friend:) Crystal~

    • Gleniece says

      Oh, thank you, Crystal. I’m so glad my words gave you encouragement. Sometimes we need to see life from someone else’s perspective to get a handle on our own. (I know I do!).
      I love how God has provided us the comforting arms of a friend through this media.
      Have a beautiful day, my friend. {Hugs}

  9. Raising Samuels says

    I am so sorry to hear about these things that happened to you and your family that year, but your faith is amazing. Thank you for reminding us to shine that faith, even in the midst of pain and hurt. Blessings to you and thank you for sharing with #SocialButterflySunday! Hope to see you link up again this week 🙂

    • Gleniece says

      Hello, Kelly. I appreciate your kind words. Yes, that year was rough, even the current one is trying, but everything is in God’s hands. That I know.
      Have a great evening.
      Thanks for hosting #SocialButterflySunday.

  10. Kathleen Louise Burnett says

    Gleniece, yes, I have had such a year. The beginning of this year, in fact for about 3 months was one major trial after another. So many things happened, that my husband and I just counted them out. When I backed my car into my son’s car in the driveway on Easter morning, my husband just said, there’s number 10. But, while some of the trials were life and death and very heartbreaking, I have followed my lord long enough to know that He was in control. Through many trials comes strength and assurance for future trials. Thanks for sharing! (And, I wish I could share my air conditioning with you!)

    • Gleniece says

      I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that. I hope things have picked up for you and your family.
      God is indeed faithful and true. He knows all things and His love for us surpasses our understanding. In all the things we struggle with-He is right there with us.
      Thank you for sharing, Kathleen! (And for sending your air-conditioning wishes too).

    • Gleniece says

      Thank you, Brenda. You are a friend indeed. I wish I could say that it’s only hot outside though, but my indoors is currently 105°! Yes, you read that right. After living in the desert for over 24 years, I’m used to it by now, but that doesn’t make it easy. (Think lethargy and headaches ?).
      Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope your day is blessed (and a lot cooler!).

  11. Cynthia Swenson says

    This is my second summer in Casa Grande, Az. I am really drawn to your blog, partly because you live in Az , but also because of your faith. Do you have an air conditioner? If not, I will pray for one with you. (I cannot imagine living in this heat without one!) Love & prayers, in Jesus, Cynthia

    • Gleniece says

      Hello, Cynthia! I’m so glad you have enjoyed reading along!
      I have not had many women to share my struggles or triumphs with. Life can be lonely. But God is faithful and true. He knows what we need and when. I am thankful He has given me this blog to reach out to sisters like you.
      No, we don’t have air-conditioning. (But we wouldn’t have the power to run it anyway-we’re strictly off-grid here. But your prayers for a strong breeze would be greatly appreciated. (Today was a doozie. 109° inside!)
      Thanks for visiting. I hope your evening is blessed.

  12. Lisa Morris says

    Gleniece, what a testimony of faith. I literally just finished reading and pondering on James chapter 1 verses 1-12. I can read in your experience lives lived out in faith and hope in God. What a blessing to hear. Thank you for sharing. I have been greatly encouraged by your perseverance. Sharing this week. I know your story will encourage others:)

    • Gleniece says

      Aww…Lisa. Thank you so much. I am only where I am now because of the great faithfulness of God Almighty. And because perseverance is my middle name {wink}.
      So happy you stopped by. ?

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