Merry-Go-Round of Discontent

Have you ever noticed when you get a new piece of furniture how it brings out the shabbiness in everything else? Instead of thankfulness for the new thing, there are wishes for more newer, nicer…

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Each Piece of My Heart

I grieve for you, daughter. You claimed you were so strong, yet you took the same path your sister stumbled on. Each piece of my heart was left to bleed afresh. I grieve for you,…

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Why I Don’t Keep Easter

The single greatest event recorded in the Bible is the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is because of His tremendous sacrifice we have hope; because of the Almighty’s great…

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Eve Had Everything

Eve had everything a woman could ever need or want: food, comfort, beauty, companionship, purpose, even communion with God Himself. Yet, we read in Genesis 3 she was subtly manipulated by Satan into desiring even…

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The Secret Was in Her Smile

I came across a picture years ago of a Christian woman living in a refugee camp in Myanmar (formerly Burma). She was squatting on a dirt floor; the walls of her home empty canvas rice…

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Why I Don’t Keep Christmas

It may seem odd that a Christian, of all people, would choose not to celebrate Christmas. After all, Christ’s name is in the word Christmas, right? But it doesn’t take long when researching Christmas to…

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The Light Fades Sooner Each Night

Autumn in the Desert Southwest is a time for exhalation. The incessant summer heat has passed—and we have survived. We have been transported through a window of favor. There is sunshine to smile at not…

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What I Deserve

My old stove was a marvel of dysfunction. Only three of the four burners worked right, the broiler drawer got stuck, and the oven door’s left hinge was broken. Not to mention the thermostat never…

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