On a Faraway Outpost

What would you do if tomorrow you had no internet?

How much does your phone, tablet, or computer define your life, and give you purpose?

Remember the days before smartphones? Before traversing the globe was just a click away?

Before words on a screen was the preferred form of communication?

Before Google had an answer for everything?

Without driving to the library or cracking open a book, my kids and I learned in 10 minutes:

  1. What’s a carbuncle?
  2. Does a double-yolk egg produce twin chicks?
  3. How do you pronounce ‘bonacieux’?

Pretty cool, huh?!



Before this blog, I had a stretch of fifteen months with no internet, thanks to a corporate conglomerate’s arbitrary decision to power down our remote cell tower. (You did know we live out in the boonies, right?).

I had no Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Google.

No email, Instagram, or internet research.

No blog reading or commenting.




I couldn’t even text or make an ACTUAL phone call. It was rough.

It was bad enough not being able to make a phone call when I needed to but having my online world vanish caused me a real sense of loss.

This sudden change in lifestyle made me realize how much we take for granted, how much we expect external things to make us happy, and how deprived we feel when they are gone.


Isn’t it amazing how quickly we get used to something and then can’t imagine what we did before we had it?


Hmmm . . . somehow we survived doing other things.



There’s an ethereal strangeness to this cyber world we’re all connected to.

Our fingers speak but with no inflection. We’re touched by the kindness of a comment but can’t feel it on our skin. We share, but without hugs and laughter, and despite the plethora of emojis out there, we miss that special look in the eyes that says, “I hear you, you’re not alone.” Or “You’re kidding me, right?”

My online friends are more than their smiling blog photos. They struggle with dinner plans and cleaning up the same messes (over and over again), tuck their kids in bed each night, and shed tears over common frustrations, just like me.

I may have never seen them with my own eyes, but these women affect my life with a depth I couldn’t fathom before.

During my forced hiatus, this strange planet, Internet, continued to revolve without me. Snatched from home, I was transported to a distant star, a faraway outpost on Planet Obscure.


These unseen friends, these women of my heart, I would think of often—all the while fearful of being forgotten.

The waiting was a heavy cloak I wore, and it grieved me.

I could not see an end to this long silence as I wearily scanned the barren sky.

But God spoke loud and clear of His love and purpose for me every time I opened the leather-bound Book on my desk.


Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. (Isaiah 41:10)


We want to be known and loved by others, but with God, there is no striving for recognition, no competition and comparisons, no fear of missing out.

We are sought after by our One True Friend.


God is with us always

God is not subject to power outages, signal towers, or even our senses. He is more real than our eyes can behold, our ears can detect, and our arms can embrace.

When all is lost—He is there.

When no one knows you—He does.

When nothing quite satisfies—He always will.

Losing my connection to something I believed would provide happiness and a sense of identity had stripped me to the bare reality that nothing but Christ can give me what I need.


Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. (John 15:4–5)




Internet is our new way of life. But how would you feel cut off from its connecting signal? Far away and alone? Thankfully, there is One who is always near. #internet, #loneliness, #contenment



I’ve been rescued from Planet Obscure for a while now.

Rescued not because I now have internet service again (which I am ever thankful for), and not because I now have sweet women to call my friends (you know who you are and I love you!).

Rescued because I know that nothing else is meant to be my source of joy, give me worth, or provide me purpose in this life except Christ.

Sometimes, it takes a stranding to be found.


The Lord redeemeth the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate. (Psalm 34:22)


What would I do if I lost internet signal tomorrow?

  • First off, I’ll be honest, I’d cry. I’d miss my fellow sisters-in-Christ terribly. This would be by far the hardest thing to endure. But, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phil. 4:13).
  • Second, I’d be sad I couldn’t blog. Writing my stories and connecting with all of you does good for this introvert soul, but I’d take up crossword puzzles and quilting again, and write in my journal like I used to do. I might even clean the house.
  • Third, I’d read books, books that open without power, whose pages rustle delightfully through my fingers, like I used to do.

On a Faraway Outpost ~ What would you do if tomorrow you had no internet? Are you spiritually prepared?

  • And last and most importantly, I’d keep reaching for the Word of life, where true peace and purpose reside.


Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27)


What would you do if tomorrow you had no internet?

(Tell me. Really, I’d like to know).



Abiding in the Vine,

~ Gleniece


The post “On a Faraway Outpost” was first published on Desert Rain.

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About Gleniece

Writer at Desert Rain. Editor at Desert Rain Editing.
Happy wife, morning tea and Bible study, evening wine and chocolate lover. Ever thankful for the gift that is Christ.


  1. annkroeker says

    Lovely story. Being cut off from this cyberworld we’ve grown familiar with provides the opportunity to draw close to the One who transcends it all and yet seeks intimacy.

    • Gleniece says

      Yes, so true! Thank you, Ann, for your kind words and for stopping by and reading. I hope your day is wrapped in the closeness of our One True Friend. ?

  2. Liz says

    If I had no internet I would have to seek God’s face on my next ministry! I tried getting involved in various ministries at my church and God kept closing the doors on all of them while opening this door VERY wide. I would also lose many of my friends that I grew up with since I’m now on the other side of America, and many of my college friends since most of them are in the ministry all over the world.
    Thank you for sharing this on my new linkup Gleniece! God bless!

    • Gleniece says

      I’m so glad this door is wide for you, Liz. But if it ever closed, I’m sure our loving Father would make a way for you to reach out and share His goodness and truth.
      It’s a pleasure getting to know you and read your words. Thank you for hosting a fine link up. I hope to contribute again soon. ?

  3. helloredds says

    Wow! I cannot imagine being without the Internet for all of that time! I’ll bet your perspective changed!
    It sounds like you used the time well and wisely!
    Sure do appreciate you and the way you point others back to Christ!
    Hope you have a blessed day~

    • Gleniece says

      What a pleasant surprise to have you here today, Melanie! Thank you for your kind words.
      I think of you as a champion for us. We, warrior princesses holding up the banner of Christ. I picture you in the lead holding up our weary arms like Aaron and Hur did for Moses.
      May God continue to bless the work of your hands, my friend.?

  4. Sheila says

    Loved this post, Gleniece! Due to our travels here, we often go periods without internet. And like you, it leaves us feeling a bit lost at first. We’ve learned that it’s hard to stay connected without it. But each time, I’m also grateful for that ‘internet fast time,’ because it helps me remember that connection with the Father is the most important thing of all. And that life goes on without it. But life without the Word of Life just withers up and dies. But I do hope you won’t have to go back to Planet Obscure!!

    • Gleniece says

      Yes, Sheila, we certainly would wither without the most important connection–the Word of Life!
      Yet, I’m so thankful that God has given me a connection with sisters like you. I wouldn’t want to go back to that lonely place, but God is faithful. I would survive.
      Thank you so much for visiting me today. Have a beautiful day. ?

  5. bcb0 says

    Wow, Gleniece…it’s so easy for me to get caught up in the “internet is an evil time stealer…” attitude that I’ve probably never stopped to consider how much I’d lose without it. So glad you’re back! 🙂 We must have crossed paths soon after you re-entered the blog scene. So glad our paths crossed. And, I love your message of holding on to the One who is ever-present. PTL for His faithfulness. <3 xoxo

    • Gleniece says

      I’m so thankful our paths crossed too! God is indeed faithful. He never leaves us nor forsake us.
      Thank you for your sweet presence today. ?

  6. Gayl says

    I also live in a rural area, and our internet doesn’t always work right, but I probably would be lost without it, at least for awhile. I would miss the interaction with all my online friends. But, if the internet was taken away my list would be pretty much like yours, though I would probably crochet instead of quilt. Or, maybe I’d actually learn to quilt. My mom was a quilter and has left me lots of patterns.

    I did enjoy your post today, Gleniece. Many blessings to you! I’m your neighbor today at #SittingAmongFriends.

    • Gleniece says

      Thank you so much, Gayl. ? I’m glad you liked this.
      Yes, living in rural places does have its challenges. (I still have a spotty internet connection!).
      One of the things I’d love to do is crochet an afghan of pretty fall colors. Deep red, brown, tan, teal, peach, and a sage green, maybe. I only know a little about crocheting, but I think it would be fun. Except, with this blogging thing taking up all my time, I don’t know when I’ll get around to it!
      Thanks for stopping by today. It brought me joy. ?

      • Gayl says

        That idea for an afghan sounds amazing. I might have to take some time away from blogging this fall/winter to crochet an afghan. It’s been a few years since I’ve made one. So glad my visit brought you joy! Blessings!

  7. Donna Reidland says

    Gleniece, great post and something I think about from time to time, as I wonder if this internet/blogging thing has become too important. I know I need to unplug more often. You were not forgotten, by the way! Blessings!

    • Gleniece says

      Aww, Donna. What a sweetheart. Your words touched me.
      I’m glad you liked this post. Thank you for visiting me today, my friend.

  8. Christine Duncan says

    I’m known for powering down every weekend… but whole months at a time? I might lose it… just a little, lol. I too find the community of bloggers and writers a wonderful gift… and more than that, when my chronic dysthymia turns me into an introvert, I can still communicate with people from my hidey hole… that’s been a definite bonus lol.
    So glad we were neighbours over at #intentionalTuesday! Now following so I don’t miss a post 🙂

    • Gleniece says

      Hello, Christine. I’m so happy to connect with you! Yes, I too am thankful for the wonderful Christian community of bloggers and writers. It is a blessing I don’t take for granted.
      And, I too (although not to the same intensity as yourself) have times of depression that drag me down for days. I have to be careful not to allow my longing for other people’s put-together lives to depress me further. God has given me THIS life, with these set of circumstances to further my growth in Him. As I accept this and leave my disappointments in His hands (which isn’t easy, mind you), I’m much more at peace.
      Thank you for stopping by today. You put a smile on my face. 😀

  9. traceyatwaterintowine says

    Oh this ones got me thinking Gleniece – your words so true and straight to the heart of the matter. It starts and finishes with His opinion, His truth and nothing else really matters. I do remember feeling like my whole world opened up when I discovered my first ever blog in 2012. I came across “Nesting Place” somehow and could not believe my eyes and wondered where had I been that I didn’t know that these wonderful things existed. That was a good day. But before blogging was something I knew about I have been writing “blog posts” – on scrap paper, in journals, on my iPad because it’s something I can’t not do. Yes I would be devastated as well if it was lost because the connections and friendships that forge (even though via a screen) mean so much – I think it is the realisation that even though separated by oceans and borders and climates etc we all share similar experiences and challenges and life ups and downs and sharing that helps. We help each other. Without the internet I guess I would be back to reading the good old fashioned way all the time and reading a Daily Bread devotional instead of a daily post. I would miss my online friends terribly but I know I would keep doing the same things – the creative projects, writing, encouraging other women (hopefully) – in some other way. I would probably do a lot more scrapbooking and crosswords like I used to do. Loved this post Gleniece – its challenged me to rethink a few things – thank you. xx

    • Gleniece says

      I just loved your detailed comment, Tracey. Yes, we help each other. That’s a fact! We may live very different lives, yet…not really. Not at the core. We can encourage each other because our heart experiences are the same. And we all need Jesus Christ.
      Thank you for sharing with me what you would do IF. I would do similar things too. We might have to become old-fashioned pen pals. What do you think? ?
      Thanks for stopping by, my friend. {hugs}

  10. Lillian says

    Love this Gleniece!

    I think I’d cry if I was permanently removed from using the internet, but I know that I would overcome. 🙂

    I’m so glad that there is no shadow of turning with our God! He is faithful to us!

    • Gleniece says

      Yes! To be loved and cherished by God makes anything else we have here pale in significance.
      We must keep a light grip on what we have physically, so if it ever went away we wouldn’t crumble but remain strong. (But I would cry too, for a while).
      Thanks for visiting me today, Lil. ?

  11. Loved by the King of kings says

    If I had no internet, I would spend more time with the people God has placed around me like I used to. I still have my big dictionaries and access to the library, so I would not be without access to information. And of course, like yourself, I still have my Bible and the ability to read it.
    I understand what you wrote on your Why Desert Rain page. I lived in the Sahel for 3 years in Africa a long time ago. We had no phone the whole time we were there. It was the days before internet, though, so I did not miss it, of course.
    Also, I totally understand going out in the rain and lifting my face toward the heavens. I’ve done it numerous times. I still do when the weather is warm. The rains are such a blessing, but living in a land of plenty makes us take this and other blessings for granted. May the Lord forgive us and help us to be more grateful for all the blessings He provides.
    Following are a couple of my blog posts that I thought you might like. I would love to have you follow my blog as well; I’ve begun following yours as of today.

    • Gleniece says

      Thank you for telling me some of your past experiences. The desert rain fills us with hope and gladness, for sure. My kids race outside when it rains and love getting drenched.
      I appreciate you following my blog. I’ll be right over to follow yours.
      And thanks for sharing your writings. I’ll have to go check them out, too. Have a great evening. 😀

  12. Natalie @ Milk & Honey Faith says

    Haha what a remarkable challenge and yet it wasn’t so long ago that we were all without these modern conveniences. I’ll be honest, if I lost my internet I would sob and I might have a slight panic attack due to my running a blog now. I’m sure I’d get over it soon enough though and toss it up to being God’s will for me. I like what you said about being found while you are stranded. Profound 🙂

    • Gleniece says

      Thank you, Natalie! Yes, we would both sob. But just for a short time, then we’d wipe our tears, and get back to living out God’s will for our lives, internet or not.
      So glad you stopped by today. It means a lot. Have a wonderful day. ?

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