My old stove was a marvel of dysfunction.
Only three of the four burners worked right, the broiler drawer got stuck, and the oven door’s left hinge was broken. Not to mention the thermostat never functioned properly—forget making anything needing 325 degrees.
I really wanted a new stove. {insert whiny voice}
You’d think dinner never got made the way I talk.
But no, every day I managed to coax a fine meal out of that relic despite its flaws.
In the past, my thinking went like this: I work hard. I’ve been patient.
And this is a necessary tool in the fulfillment of my duties as a wife, mother, and aspiring chef.
I deserve a new stove!

We’ve all been there, haven’t we?
It might not be stoves we think we deserve, but those cute shoes, precious time for ourselves, or that mini-van that would solve everything.
What is the meaning of deserve?
The New World Dictionary of American English defines deserve:
- to have a right to because of acts or qualities;
- merit;
- to be worthy of . . .
What makes us think we are worthy?
Is it our attractiveness, intelligence, work ethic, or our notion of being a “good person”?
The truth is:
I know that any beauty I possess is a gift from God.
My ability to think clearly a by-product of God’s Spirit dwelling in me.
My belief in hard work a prodding from the Almighty.
And though I may do good things, I am merely acknowledging the righteousness of God as I perform them.
There is nothing good or worthy in me that He didn’t put there.
For God has spoken in Psalm 14:3, “They are all gone aside, they are altogether become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.”
Of the three biblical references to deserve or deserving, two out of the three refer to what our iniquities deserve. Ouch!
Know therefore that God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth. (Job 11:6)
In my twenties and thirties, I was infected with what about me?. It was not until my forties I began to live out dying to self that I promised at my baptism at seventeen.
I thank God He caused me to see my true lack, which is not physical at all.
It is that without Christ, I have nothing. And the only thing anyone deserves is death.
Abiding in the Vine,
~ Gleniece
Update: Recently I was blessed with a new stove. Guess what? About three months after we got it, the thermostat started acting up. You just have to laugh sometimes, don’t you?
The post “What I Deserve” first appeared on Desert Rain.
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It’s easy to get caught up in the ‘gimme’s’ and the feeling of deserving things. I’m a minimalist at heart and absolutely love that way of living, but every so often a flair of the ‘gimme’s raises it’s ugly head. It’s then that I need to see that the Lord is my satisfaction and contentment.
Thank you for sharing Gleniece!
Your welcome, my friend.
I still catch myself sighing with discontent. But I’m quicker to breathe in a prayer of help and refocus my eyes on Christ.
Thanks for stopping by this evening.
We are spoiled 🙂 But, I always hope the reason it seems to be one thing after another is Satan sees us as enough of a threat to try to trip us up. Laughing is better than letting it get us down! Can I just say, I love your name. Thanks for stopping by!
Yes, if we didn’t laugh, we’d all be a crying mess! Thankfully, God is always with us, especially during the moments that try our spirits.
Thanks for coming over and sharing with me, Robbi.
It is so easy to want what we think we “deserve”. I think our culture breeds that. Other cultures are satisfied with so much less. But, I loved how you point out that spiritually we get so much MORE than we deserve! I love your pretty site. Even though I am from Ohio where we get lots of rain, I still love rain. Blessings
You are right, Kathleen. Other cultures are satisfied with so much less. We, in America, need to thank God more and complain less!
Thanks for the compliment on my site. It’s been hard doing this on a smartphone, but it’s all worth it when I am blessed by God in connecting with other women like you.
Beautiful post, Gleniece, and so very true. I’m glad we don’t get what we deserve, but I’m thrilled you did get your new stove! Sorry about the thermostat. You’re right. Sometimes you just have to laugh.
Thank you, Laura, for your kind words. I think God wanted me to keep in mind that new things are never the answer- He is.
Thanks again for stopping by. 🙂