Wisdom for the Planner-Loving Woman

I’m a planner.

A woman who simply loves to schedule things.

A woman who needs to know ahead of time what she’s doing on any given day and with confidence jots down the best way to go about it. I love the usefulness of planning ahead and the control I feel when I fill in the monthly squares and weekly rectangular slots in my pretty floral planner.

But despite my best efforts at organizing, there always seems to be a snag in the plans I make.

Either the rain washes away the roads the day before I need to drive them or at the last minute, my husband can’t take off time from work. Snags take the form of financial strain, vehicle breakdowns, or sickness we didn’t expect.

I’m a planner and yet my plans are as uncertain as papers flung in the air—where they land and in what order is anyone’s bet.

I’m a joyful writer of plans but never know for sure if they will stand.

Isn’t that the way life goes? Is there ever a plan we conceive that isn’t subject to some sort of holdup or disruption that’s out of our hands?

The unpredictability of life touches everyone. . .


I’m excited to be a guest writer for Living by Design Ministries. Please click here to continue reading about the best way to write out your plans.


Abiding in the Vine, 

~ Gleniece


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About Gleniece

Writer at Desert Rain. Editor at Desert Rain Editing.
Happy wife, morning tea and Bible study, evening wine and chocolate lover. Ever thankful for the gift that is Christ.

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